Most Memorable Moments In Degrassi History


If you were like me, Degrassi: The Next Generation consumed your life as a tween. It was basically your version of a soap opera. Every Friday night, you’d come home from school ready to see what trouble Emma and Manny would get into or whose life Paige Michalchuk would ruin.

Once the OG Degrassi crew graduated and the new class came in, you were probably heartbroken that you would never see them again. Well never say never! They’re back!

The original Degrassi crew is coming back for a reunion episode airing July 22 on Netflix. YES! TOMORROW! HOLD ME, I MAY FAINT. So don’t worry, your childhood hasn’t died yet.

In honor of the reunion episode, I found it fitting to take a stroll down memory lane and reminisce on some of the most memorable moments in Degrassi history. Prepare your emotions people.

3. When Marco comes out to Spinner



4. When Manny goes from cute to HOT in a matter of seconds


9. When Marco was attacked coming out of a gay club and Jimmy came to his side

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10. And finally, when Degrassi made you feel apart of something

