Jersey Shore’s Ronnie and Jen Back Together?

Jersey Shore star and baby momma, Jen Harley reunited recently for the sake of their daughter Ariana Sky. Is he really with her for good?

As we can see right now on Jersey Shore Family Reunion, Ronnie has returned to his old ways.

Ronnie is known for his wild nights on Jersey Shore and constant fights with co-star, Sammi Sweetheart. Even though the world wanted to see Ronnie and Sammi’s love rekindle on the revamp of the show, Jersey Shore Family Reunion, it does not seem to be their future. Ronnie has recently gotten back together with Harley despite their public relationship struggles.

Let’s be real, Ronnie’s temper will always get in the way of his relationships. The real question is, can he step up and be the father that his daughter needs? In order to do so, he has some growing up to do himself…

#BombSquad Destiny, Clare, & Kelly
