Texting Tutor Update: She Wants A Date With Her 6th Grade Crush…20 Years Later

You like him. You had a connection. But you just don’t KNOW how to take it to the next level…especially if you’re not the kind of forward person who wants to ask the them out, or if you’re scared of rejection.

So sometimes, you just need a little help scoring that date – and that’s where we come in! We’ll tell you what to text the person you’re into, line by line, and we’ll help you get that date…but you have to PROMISE to write EXACTLY what we tell you to.

Emily randomly saw her 6th grade crush, David, leave a comment on a mutual friend’s Facebook page…and saw his phone number there. And damn, he aged WELL. (She was head over HEELS for this guy back in the day.)

We help her reconnect with this guy she hasn’t seen – or talked to – in twenty years…and now we’re getting the update. Are they still talking? Did it work out? Or was it the long-distance train-wreck we were afraid it’d be

The update:
