Surviving Freshman Year Of College



Summer is almost over and school is about to be in session. I know, it feels like finals were just last week. But I also know that you are tired of hearing your parents complain about you not doing the dishes and staying out too late. Well don’t worry! In just a few weeks, you’ll be off to college!

College is the time of your life. It’s something you’ll never forget. Especially freshman year! Freshman year is the best. New experiences, new people, ah. When you’re a freshman in college, no one expects anything of you. You can cut loose and get into all sorts of things and your excuse can be “I’m a freshman.”

After your first year in college comes responsibilities such as deciding on a major, finding internships, and deciding what you’re doing with your life so I encourage you to live up your freshman year because you will only get one!

Here are a few tips on how you can survive freshman year: 

Get involved



You are probably entering college knowing minimal people. You are no longer the big man on campus and that worries you. You need friends. Joining clubs and organizations can help with that. There are a ton, so don’t worry about not finding one you like. They also look great on resumes!

Make at least two friends in all of your classes



Like I said, you need friends so why not make some in the classes you’re taking? You’re bound to find something in common. Make sure you get their numbers too! Also, they can give you the notes if you miss a day… or three.

Don’t be the typical freshman



Don’t carry around that huge map they give you during orientation. You’ll look like a huge freshie. Better yet, don’t use anything they give you in orientation: the shirts, agendas, anything! All of that stuff screams “I’M A FRESHMAN!” Also we aren’t in high school anymore, don’t go around asking people what “grade” they’re in. Ask what “year” they are.

Don’t room with your best friend



You probably think it’s the best idea. You’re probably saying, “we’re basically siblings anyway. It’s like we already living together.” NO! STOP IT! You aren’t siblings. You aren’t living together and you never have so you don’t know what it’s like. If you room with your bestfriend, I can almost guarantee that you will end up hating each other by the end of the semester or earlier. Why risk that? Room with a random! That way you can meet someone new who could end up being your best friend or if they don’t then at least you won’t be losing a friend.

Don’t procrastinate



I know your friends are begging you to go out to a party, but don’t go until after you finish all of your homework. You may think, “oh, I’ll just do it Sunday.” You won’t. Just finish all of your work before you have fun if you don’t want to fail out.

Go to your professor’s office hours


Trust me. Doing this can save your butt. If you start going to your professor’s office hours early on during the year, they will see that you care about your school work and be more apt to help you out. Say you’re three points away from a passing grade at the end of the semester… because you showed you cared in the beginning, your professor will be more likely to push your grade up rather than someone who only came during finals week.

Stay true to yourself



College is a time to find yourself. A lot of people change when they get to college. Some change for the good, others for the bad. Don’t do anything out of character just because you think it will get you friends or because your parents aren’t around. Have fun, but remember who you are. College goes by in the blink of an eye, so take it slow and enjoy!

cjwalker-authorshotAbout the Author

My name is CJ Walker.
I like long walks on the beach, puppies, and pizza. 🍕
